For those of you who aren’t familiar, Curt Schilling was really good at throwing baseballs. The guy was a 6 time all star and 3 time World Series Champion. He was an absolute bulldog every time he took the hill. But (besides the rings) I would venture to guess he’s most proud of his Roberto Clemente award, which is awarded to the man who “best exemplifies the game of baseball, sportsmanship, community involvement and the individual’s contribution to his team”. Pretty lofty praise for someone who is labeled as such a controversial character by most of today’s media.

Let me start by saying I admit I might be a little biased on this subject for two reasons: 1. Curt Schilling is one of my favorite baseball players of all time and 2. My Dad co-hosted his radio show for a minute. But bias or no, I wholeheartedly believe that people should be more like Curt Schilling. 

People should be like Curt not because he was a good athlete, but because what you see is what you get. He is who is and doesn’t give a damn if you like it or not. He has beliefs and sticks to his guns. Because he’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind. The world needs more of that. We need more people who stand up for things. Who aren’t afraid to ruffle some feathers. He welcomes debate and will have in depth and great discussions with people who opposing views. THAT is the way people can come together. Discussion. Debate. Understanding. 

People may never agree, but we might be able to have meaningful enough discussion that we can understand each other. When did standing up for your beliefs become such a sin? Frankly, I don’t care what you believe in, but if you believe in it passionately you should stand up for it always. Speak your mind. Ruffle feathers. Open dialogue. Don’t be afraid to believe in what others around you don’t. That’s how we grow as people. So thank you, Curt. Thank you for not giving in to this bullshit, PC society we live in. If by chance you read this, I’d love to share a cream soda with ya and hear some old baseball stories. You’ve got a fan in me.
